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Indomitable Mental Health: Finish The Fight - Upgraded Morphic Field

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Indomitable Mental Health: Finish The Fight - Upgraded Morphic Field

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I created this field in response to noticing the prevalence of requests for works to boost and improve mental health in the community. I've already made a field for covering physical and mental aspects of healing, but this is more centred around aiding mental health while acting as a booster. Too many people hang their hopes on achieving specific goals, and if they don't get them it's easy to sink into a downward spiral. Before listing the benefits of this field, I have to urge anyone who is struggling with their mental health to reach out to someone, whether you find professional help, friends or family easiest to speak to please do speak to someone. Don't struggle alone. This field is unisex. It's designed to boost your current state of mind, remove blocks, direct you towards solutions and away from bad habits/situations, cure mental illness of all kinds, improve your self-esteem and self-image, bring luck and good fortune, and to unlock success in all areas. It also acts as a session expander to boost your capacity for listening to audios and receiving results from their affirmations and energy, as long as you're aware this audio is playing (even very quietly) you'll get the effects of this and any others playing. Listen for as long as is comfortable, 30 minutes at a time is good to let the energy build and be absorbed though feel free to take breaks when needed. Think of warm golden light flowing into you, feel the light and heat suffuse your mind (or any areas of the body you feel discomfort in) and bring respite. The energy is intelligent and can act pre-emptively to keep you in the best mood to tackle the day, it's good to start your stack with this and listen to it frequently whenever you need a boost. Remember, you are all the heroes of your own story, you're heroes to at least one person out there. And you can be a hero to so many more if you keep fighting.

This version is far stronger than that on my YouTube channel, you will see effects and results much more quickly as well as some unlisted benefits. This version contains some boosters that draw energy from your surrounding environment to implement changes much more quickly, as well as overcoming any blockages that might prevent results from happening.

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