I often get asked about permanent results and how to attain them; well ask no more. Just listen and absorb this work. Whether you are listening to morphic fields, affirmations, binaurals or anything else, this will help you keep hold of the results you desire, and get rid of anything you don't want. Still be cautious with potential side effects but feel secure that this audio is looking out for you and protecting you. The core principles of the most powerful boosters are engrained in this work, allowing it to mould you and your results until they match your desires. You'll feel more in tune with yourself while listening to it, calm and assured that you'll receive everything you deserve as quickly as possible. It unlocks your trust and belief to prevent you getting in the way of your own results. The energy works well with SYMBIOTE as the playlist symbolically shows the audios you wish to use to form the 'new you'. This audio can be played before a playlist, during or after it, you can also tabmaxx with it on very low volume so the field experiences and absorbs the energy and affirmations of your playlist and can work with it in the best possible way. It helps you overcome any listening limits; again be careful with how many audios you may wish to listen to in combination with it as we all have our limits, but your limits will now be much higher than before. If listening to it in a standalone fashion then 30 minutes will be fine. As with my other works pay attention to any hints, tips or feelings you get while listening to it, this can be everything from habits to adopt, articles to read, food and drink to add to your diet that will fuel your changes better, and more. While we work with energy to get what we want the habits and lifestyle in our daily lives can have a massive effect on how quickly we attain results, so look out for any guidance you may get on what could end up working best for you. And as always, be watchful for results and grateful when you get them. Gratitude is a powerful force that can shape what we are to receive.
This version is far stronger than that on my YouTube channel, you will see effects and results much more quickly as well as some unlisted benefits. This version contains some boosters that draw energy from your surrounding environment to implement changes much more quickly, as well as overcoming any blockages that might prevent results from happening.