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SYMBIOTE UPGRADED: Playlist Activator / Repeater / Enhancer / Booster Morphic Field

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SYMBIOTE UPGRADED: Playlist Activator / Repeater / Enhancer / Booster Morphic Field

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This playlist activator field is designed to repeat the affirmations and energy of any audios you add to a custom playlist, embedding them deeper than listening to each audio separately, also boosting the effectiveness of all audios in the playlist. It's already a strong field that seeks to improve you both physically and mentally in the same vein as my Super Soldier Serum field, with some elements of Undying King and Indomitable Mental Health present to guide the energies and provide extra health benefits. Unlike other playlist activators/ playlist repeaters this seeks to synergise the audios on the playlist to give you faster results, taking formulas and processes of some that will boost others to give you the results you deserve. The delivery of the energy is adapted to whatever suits you best to ensure quick and permanent results. Each listen will feel like days of listening to each and every track on your playlist; the speed with which your results appear may vary depending on how many audios are on your list, what you're trying to achieve and how taxing these changes are for you, but you'll see results quickly. Affirmations and energies are repeated even when not listening to it, looping it for some time (at least 30 minutes) should let you enjoy this effect for a good part of the day until you can listen to it again. You will feel blocks dissolve and results will appear much quicker than before, similar to using the MOAB booster (Mother Of All Boosters) but with the added benefit of giving you your entire playlist for about a minute of listening time. It takes inspiration from the Symbiotes as it wants to take the best elements of its host and strengthen you further. It wants you to change and evolve into the best version of yourself. It wants to protect you from dangers out in the world, bad habits that seek to distract and derail you, and even from side effects/negative effects from other creators. Like some of my other fields you'll feel pushes and nudges towards particular choices, take note of this guidance whenever you feel it and act on it, as it won't steer you wrong.

Instructions: create a new playlist or folder and title it SYMBIOTE OVERDRIVE. Place this audio as the 1st track if possible (don't worry about this for the folder), then add as many as you want afterwards, there's no limits on how many to add. This can be for as many different subjects as you want, for any form of affirmation, morphic field, energy work, meditation, reiki, ritual, manifestation audio, etc, playing this field will grant you the benefits of each and every audio. You only have to play this field to get the results, you don't need to play anything else on the playlist or in the designated folder. You can add audios to it and remove them, it will adapt to this and suffuse you with the energies you desire from the playlist. Listening limits? Limits are for the weak.

This version is far stronger than that on my YouTube channel, you will see effects and results much more quickly as well as some unlisted benefits. This version contains some boosters that draw energy from your surrounding environment to implement changes much more quickly, as well as overcoming any blockages that might prevent results from happening.

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